Numerous journalists have been charged with revealing state secrets and questioned by France’s intelligence services. French media fear that press freedom is at risk under President Emmanuel Macron…
Category: DW
The Paris scooter hype
Some 20,000 electric scooters are currently causing a bit of a stir in the French capital. Not everyone believes the scooter rentals are a good thing, and municipal authorities are hoping to curb the business.
Can green pioneer Costa Rica get its citizens on bikes?
Costa Rica gets 98% of its power from renewables, yet has one of the biggest carbon footprints in Central America. Now, it wants to clean up transport, but can cycling improve its image?
French media decry ‘yellow vest’ attacks
Attacks on reporters by France’s so-called yellow vest protesters are an expression of long-simmering anger. They want the media to change, while journalists say the demonstrators also need to do some soul-searching.
Why French police officers keep committing suicide
The suicide rate among the French police has been stubbornly high for many years. Now the government has bulked up its anti-suicide plan. But officers say that’s not good enough.